• Why should I book on the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) course?

Baby massage provides a wonderful opportunity for you to experience quality one-to-one time with your child at a key developmental stage. The main aim of the IAIM course is, through nurturing touch, to strengthen the bond and attachment between the parent and the infant which positively impacts on the child’s emotional and social development as they grow up.

The IAIM course is well evidenced and researched and as an organisation is taught in over 70 countries worldwide. It is baby-led, and cue based. We pay attention to babies cues and body language as this is how a child non-verbally communicates their needs. By understanding and consistently responding to baby he/she learns that they can trust you and feels respected. Asking babies permission before doing massage is a crucial element of the course; their acceptance is indicated by our understanding of their cues.

  • At what age can I bring my baby to baby massage?

The course is suitable for babies from birth to 12 months old.


  • Is the instructor accredited and DBS checked?

Yes, and yes! I am a certified infant massage instructor with the IAIM having completed a comprehensive training course. The qualification is internationally recognised and there are refresher courses and continuing education courses on offer throughout the UK.

  • How long are the sessions?

Each class lasts up to 90 minutes (so that we don’t feel rushed) and includes a mixture of learning the strokes, giving supporting information, and the sharing of practical ideas for doing baby massage at home. It allows time for any questions you may have and the opportunity to meet other parents in a relaxed environment.

  • Why is the course 5 weeks?

Every week we learn the strokes for a different part of the body along with the supporting information/theory, building up to a full body massage. You are also taught a specific routine for the relief of colic/gas and gentle movements for the pre-walker. The IAIM prides itself on providing a comprehensive programme in order for parents to learn a skill that they can use throughout their child’s life.

  • How much does it cost?

The 5-week course costs just £55.


  • Can I pay weekly or is it payment in full prior to the start of the course?

Payment is required in full prior to the start of the course. 

  • Who can attend the course?

As the role of the instructor is to enhance the loving bond between infant and parents the IAIM recommends that parents should be the ones who learn to massage their baby or the person raising the child who provides continuing care, such as adoptive or foster parents.


  • What happens if I can’t make it to a session? Will I get a refund?

Unfortunately, I cannot offer refunds for single sessions. If you miss a class I will ensure that when you next attend I will go over the body part that you have missed, and you will receive a handout of the strokes for reference. If for any reason you have to miss multiple sessions we can discuss you making up those sessions on another course. I am always on hand to answer any queries at the end of a class.


  • What should I wear to classes?

Please wear light, comfortable clothing as we will be sitting on the floor. 

  • What should I bring with me to each class?

All that you would normally take on an outing with baby plus two towels; one to lie your baby on and a small hand towel. Also massage oil which you will be given to you in the first class.


  • What if during the session my baby is crying?

Please don’t worry, its natural… babies cry! It’s how they communicate! You are welcome to feed, change and do whatever your baby needs throughout the class.

The classes are baby-led so if baby communicates that they are not in the mood just comfort them as they need, then watch and listen to what is being taught. It’s about you receiving the teaching to practice at home.


  • If my baby is sleeping, should I wake them up for massage?

No, please don’t. Whether your baby is in light or deep sleep both are important for their growth and development; let them sleep. A spare doll is available for you to practice on or whilst they are sleeping or you can just sit and receive the teaching, joining in with the non-practical part of the class. You will receive a handout for you to practice at home and the strokes will be reviewed the following week.


Please feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions.